Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) Small


The peace lily is one of the most popular, hardiest and potentially most beautiful of the indoor plants. They offer the best of both worlds: beautiful foliage year-round and gorgeous, generally pure white, flowers over a long period.

Foliage: deep green, glossy, lance shaped.

Height: 20–70cm.

Climate: indoors – all zones. Outdoors – tropical, sub-tropical and warm micro-climates in warm temperate.

Soil: moist, rich, free-draining.

Position: bright filtered light to full-shade. No direct sunlight.

Watering: keep moist, but not wet.

Your plant gift includes care instructions,  gift box, wrapping, ribbon and a personal message card. (Please leave your personal message in the order notes section at check out).

Pot Size – 130mm growers pot

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