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How to Make a Terrarium Gift

Create your own Terrarium Gift

Terrariums are perfect for a unique and personalised gift and easy to create yourself.  Plant Terrariums are a gorgeous addition to your home or office and look beautiful as wedding favors.  Terrariums are easy to create and can be made in all shapes and sizes. Follow our simple step by step guide to learn how to create your own terrarium gift for friends and family.

What you need:

Glass containerterrarium_blog
Large pebbles
Small pebbles
Activated charcoal
Sphagnum moss
Spoon (for placing sand and soil)


  1. Choose your container. Any style of glass vase or jar that you like is suitable. Fish bowls and apothecary jars are a popular option.
  2. Add a layer of sand to the bottom of the terrarium, this can be purchased from your local hardware store. Beach sand is not recommended as it contains bacteria and can harm your plants.
  3. Place a layer of larger pebbles or rocks over the sand
  4. Cover with some smaller pebbles or stones.
  5. Add a layer of activated charcoal. This can be hidden in the rocks if you don’t want it visible. Simply create a small well in the rocks to place it.
  6. Place a layer of sphagnum moss over the charcoal layer.
  7. Cover the sphagnum moss with a final layer of good quality potting soil suitable for the plants you are using. Speak to your local hardware store or nursery if you are unsure.
  8. Add plants and decorate with ornaments or shells. Succulents are a great plant for terrariums. They come in many colours, shapes, and sizes, require little watering, and a will be happy in direct sunlight as well as filtered light. Small indoor plants are another excellent option for your terrarium.

Looking for a gorgeous Terrarium gift delivered in Brisbane? Check out our SHOP to see our latest range of plant gifts.